Maxon has a long history of producing some of the most celebrated effect pedals
ever. In the 1970s, they were commissioned by Ibanez to design and build an
effects line that eventually resulted in the Fuzz/Wah, the famed TS-808 Tube
Screamer, TS-9 Tube Screamer and the AD-9 Analog Delay, amongst others. Several
years ago, Maxon shifted gears and decided to market their own line of
Maxon-branded effects, utilizing rare NOS (new old stock) components and newer
technologies, such as true bypass circuitry. The AD999 Pro Analog Delay, one of
the newest entries in their Vintage Series, picks up concepts from their
renowned AD-9 and AD999 analog delays and pushes them even further, utilizing a
new noise reduction circuit and a “Multi- Head” mode, which simulates older tape
delays that used multiple tape heads to create huge, atmospheric sounds.
With a Grosh ElectraJet Standard into a Mesa/Boogie Electra-Dyne half stack,
I was easily able to coax out some excellent slapback tones that were some
of the warmest and most dynamic I’ve heard in years. The sound definitely
took me back to when I had an original Ibanez AD80 (another Maxon design),
using it with very small repeat and delay settings to help thicken my rhythm
sound. Gradually, I added in each of the three Multi-Head mode switches
to create a swashing backdrop of cavernous delay, perfect for wide, ethereal
soundscapes. Maxon explains that each switch adds midstream delay signals
(which are taken from the middle of the delay circuit), which give the
AD999 Pro the ability to emulate fabled tape delays of yore, such as the
Roland RE-201 Space Echo. Lovers of digital delay will probably want to
look elsewhere, as the AD999 Pro’s high end frequencies are rolled off
and the overall delay tone has a very fuzzy, unclear flavor to it. For
devotees of vintage analog sounds however, the AD999 Pro is a perfect choice.
- JW
Buy if...
you’re fed up with searching high
and low for rare, multi-head tape delay units.
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pristine delay tones are a must.
You can see the below web site.
Maxonには、最も有名なエフェクトペダルのいくつかを作り出してきた長い歴史がある。1970年代、MaxonはIbanezに設計及び生産を委託され、最終的にはFuzz/Wah系列のペダルを生産するようになった。特に、TS-808 Tube Screamer、TS-9 Tube Screamer、AD-9 Analog Delayが有名である。数年前、Maxonは方針を変え、レアな復刻部品とトゥルーバイパス回路のようなもっと新しいテクノロジーを活用して、Maxonブランドのエフェクタを市場に出すことを決めた。AD999Pro Analog Delayは、Vintage seriesの最新のエントリーの1つで、Maxonの名高いAD-9やAD999といったアナログディレイからコンセプトをピックアップし、新しいノイズリダクション回路と"Multi-Head"モードを搭載してさらに進化している。"Multi-Head"モードは、無限で趣のあるサウンドをクリエイトするためにマルチプル・テープヘッドに使われた昔のテープディレイをシミュレートできる。
Grosh Electra Jet StandardをMesa/Boogie Electra-Dyneハーフスタックに繋いで、私が長年聞いた中で最も温かく、最もダイナミックなすばらしいスラップバックトーンを簡単に引き出すことができた。そのサウンドは、私がオリジナルIbanez
RE-201 Space Echoのような昔の伝説的なテープディレイをまねることができる。デジタルディレイの愛好者は別のものに目を向けるかもしれない。AD999Proの高域の周波数が切れているし、全般的に見ればディレイトーンはデジタルディレイのようなメリハリはない。しかし、ヴィンテージアナログサウンドの愛好者には、AD999Proはパーフェクトチョイスだ。
- JW
▶ 11月号の記事はこちらから
One of my all-time favorite pedals is an old, beat up Ibanez FL-9 Flanger. I
still use it, and it’s definitely seen the rigors of the road. I’ve kept it for
so long because it has a much understated effect on guitar tone. It never gets
overbearing or cheesy-sounding, and it provides a nice, subtle flange that gives
the tone extra depth and dimension, making it perfect for clean rhythm work.
Maxon, the company that Ibanez originally commissioned to design the effect, has
recently released a hoppedup successor to its famous yellow ancestor, dubbed the
Vintage Jet Riser Flanger.
With a 2009 G&L ASAT Classic plugged into a Fender Deluxe Reverb reissue,
my favorite flange tone was preserved in the Jet Riser, and with clearer
presence than before. With the FL-9 set to moderate settings, it almost
seemed at times that the flange wasn’t even on … just something in the
mix that was causing the guitar to exhibit slight traits of modulation.
The Jet Riser can demonstrate the same effect, but there’s a more apparent
flange affecting the tone. You can hear it moving its way through the frequency
spectrum in the background. The Jet knob, which controls the intensity
of the effect, works hand in hand with the Width control, and was capable
of reproducing some great classic flanging effects from the grunge era,
a la the Smashing Pumpkins classic, “Love.” For the players who like to
push their effects into newer, stranger sonic territories, the Jet Riser
features a Sensitivity control. I recorded myself playing chunky fifths
into my Boss RC-2 and ran the loop into the Jet Riser, playing with the
Sensitivity control as the playback commenced. As the knob goes up, the
effect starts to exhibit a strange “wash out” effect, as if the flanger
circuit is distorting. It’s a really neat sound, but one that should be
used in moderation, as the highest settings can result in a garbled mess
of white noise. From subtle to downright strange, the Maxon Vintage Jet
Riser should satisfy any player’s flange cravings. - JW
your quest is for one of the most versatile, compact flangers out
Skip if...
you’re in need of a simpler flange effect.
You can see the below web site.
私がいつも愛用しているペダルの1つに、古いヴィンテージのIbanez FL-9 Flangerがある。私はまだそのペダルを使っていて、私と共に険しい道程を共有してきたペダルだ。長い間使ってきたのは、ギタートーンに控え目なエフェクトを効果的にかけられるからだ。尊大さや派手さはないが、トーンに深さや奥行きなどのすばらしい繊細なフランジを与え、クリーンなリズムワークを完璧にこなす。Ibanezが最初にエフェクターの設計を委託した会社であるMaxonは、最近、有名な黄色の先駆者FL-9の後継機種として、Vintage
Jet Riser Flangerと名付けられ、パワーアップした機種をリリースした。
2009 G&L ASAT ClassicをFender Deluxe Reverb reissueに差し込み、私の好みのフランジトーンをJet
RiserにはSensitivityコントロールがある。私はchunky fifthsをBoss RC-2で弾き、loopをJet Riserへ繋ぎ、プレイバックが始まるにつれてSensitivityコントロールを使って自分で録音した。ノブを上げると、エフェクトは驚くべき"洪水のような"効果を出し始める。まるでフランジャー回路を歪めたような。本当にすばらしいサウンドだ。しかし、ほどほどに使うべきだ。一番高いセッティングでは、ホワイトノイズだらけの状態になってしまう。わずかな効果から驚くべき効果まで、Maxon
Vintage Jet Riserはどんな演奏者のフランジ欲求も満足させるはずだ。 - JW
▶ 11月号の記事はこちらから